Svcutil With Wsdl File

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I have an old WSDL file and I want to create a server based on this. How to use a WSDL file to create a WCF service (not make a call). Svcutil /sc 'WSDL file path'.

  1. Wsdl
  2. How To Create Wsdl File

Generating a WCF Client from Service Metadata. 2 minutes to read. Contributors. In this article This topic describes how to use the various switches in Svcutil.exe to generate clients from metadata documents. Metadata documents can be on a durable storage or be retrieved online. Online retrieval follows either the WS-MetadataExchange protocol or the Microsoft Discovery (DISCO) protocol.

Svcutil With Wsdl File

Svcutil.exe issues the following metadata requests simultaneously to retrieve metadata:. WS-MetadataExchange (MEX) request to the supplied address. MEX request to the supplied address with /mex appended. DISCO request (using the from ASP.NET Web services) to the supplied address. Svcutil.exe generates the client based on the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) or policy file received from the service. The user principal name (UPN) is generated by concatenating the user name with '@' and then adding a fully-qualified domain name (FQDN). However, for users who registered on Active Directory, this format is not valid and the UPN that the tool generates causes a failure in the Kerberos authentication with the following error message: The logon attempt failed.

To resolve this problem, manually fix the client file that the tool generated. Svcutil.exe /t:code. Referencing and Sharing Types Option Description /reference: References types in the specified assembly. When generating clients, use this option to specify assemblies that might contain types that represent the metadata being imported. Short form: /r /excludeType: Specifies a fully-qualified or assembly-qualified type name to be excluded from referenced contract types.

Short form: /et Choosing a Serializer Option Description /serializer:Auto Automatically selects the serializer. This uses the DataContract serializer. If this fails, the XmlSerializer is used. Short Form: /ser:Auto /serializer:DataContractSerializer Generates data types that use the DataContract serializer for serialization and deserialization. Short form: /ser:DataContractSerializer /serializer:XmlSerializer Generates data types that use the XmlSerializer for serialization and deserialization.

Short form: /ser:XmlSerializer /importXmlTypes Configures the DataContract serializer to import non- DataContract types as IXmlSerializable types. Short form: /ixt /dataContractOnly Generates code for DataContract types only.

ServiceContract types are generated. You should specify only local metadata files for this option. Short form: /dconly Choosing a Language for the Client Option Description /language: Specifies the programming language to use for code generation.

Wsdl example

Provide either a language name registered in the Machine.config file or the fully-qualified name of a class that inherits from. Values: c#, cs, csharp, vb, vbs, visualbasic, vbscript, javascript, c, mc, cpp Default: csharp Short form: /l For more information, see. Choosing a Namespace for the Client Option Description /namespace: Specifies a mapping from a WSDL or XML Schema targetNamespace to a common language runtime (CLR) namespace. Using a wildcard (.) for the targetNamespace maps all targetNamespaces without an explicit mapping to that CLR namespace. To make sure that the message contract name does not collide with the operation name, either qualify the type reference with double colons (::) or make sure the names are unique. Default: Derived from the target namespace of the schema document for DataContracts. The default namespace is used for all other generated types.

Short form: /n Choosing a Data Binding Option Description /enableDataBinding Implements the interface on all DataContract types to enable data binding. Short form: /edb Generating Configuration Option Description /config: Specifies the file name for the generated configuration file. Default: output.config /mergeConfig Merges the generated configuration into an existing file, instead of overwriting the existing file.

/noConfig Do not generate configuration files.

How to: Create a Windows Communication Foundation Client. 3 minutes to read. Contributors. In this article This is the fourth of six tasks required to create a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) application. For an overview of all six of the tasks, see the topic. This topic describes how to retrieve metadata from a WCF service and use it to create a WCF proxy that can access the service. This task is completed by using the Add Service Reference functionality provided by Visual Studio.


This tool obtains the metadata from the service’s MEX endpoint and generates a managed source code file for a client proxy in the language you have chosen (C# by default). In addition to creating the client proxy, the tool also creates or updates the client configuration file which enables the client application to connect to the service at one of its endpoints. Warning When calling a WCF service from a class library project in Visual Studio 2012 you can use the Add Service Reference feature to automatically generate a proxy and associated configuration file. The configuration file will not be used by the class library project.

How To Create Wsdl File

You will need to add the settings in the generated configuration file to the app.config file for the executable that will call the class library. The client application uses the generated proxy class to communicate with the service. This procedure is described in. To create a Windows Communication Foundation client. Create a new console application project by right-clicking on the Getting Started solution, selecting, Add, New Project.

In the Add New Project dialog on the left hand side of the dialog select Windows under C# or VB. In the center section of the dialog select Console Application. Name the project GettingStartedClient.

Set the target framework of the GettingStartedClient project to.NET Framework 4.5 by right clicking on GettingStartedClient in the Solution Explorer and selecting Properties. In the dropdown box labeled Target Framework select.NET Framework 4.5. Setting the target framework for a VB project is a little different, in the GettingStartedClient project properties dialog, click the Compile tab on the left-hand side of the screen, and then click the Advanced Compile Options button at the lower left-hand corner of the dialog.

Then select.NET Framework 4.5 in the dropdown box labeled Target Framework. Setting the target framework will cause Visual Studio 2011 to reload the solution, press OK when prompted. Add a reference to System.ServiceModel to the GettingStartedClient project by right-clicking the Reference folder under the GettingStartedClient project in Solution Explorer and select Add Reference. In the Add Reference dialog select Framework on the left-hand side of the dialog. In the Search Assemblies textbox, type in System.ServiceModel.

In the center section of the dialog select System.ServiceModel, click the Add button, and click the Close button. Save the solution by clicking the Save All button below the main menu. Next you wlll add a service reference to the Calculator Service. Before you can do that, you must start up the GettingStartedHost console application. Once the host is running you can right click the References folder under the GettingStartedClient project in the Solution Explorer and select Add Service Reference and type in the following URL in the address box of the Add Service Reference dialog: HYPERLINK ' and click the Go button.

The CalculatorService should then be displayed in the Services list box, Double click CalculatorService and it will expand and show the service contracts implemented by the service. Leave the default namespace as is and click the OK button. When you add a reference to a service using Visual Studio a new item will appear in the Solution Explorer under the Service References folder under the GettingStartedClient project.

If you use the tool a source code file and app.config file will be generated. You can also use the command-line tool with the appropriate switches to create the client code. The following example generates a code file and a configuration file for the service. The first example shows how to generate the proxy in VB and the second shows how to generated the proxy in C#: svcutil.exe /language:vb /out:generatedProxy.vb /config:app.config svcutil.exe /language:cs /out:generatedProxy.cs /config:app.config You have now created the proxy that the client application will use to call the calculator service. Proceed to the next topic in the series: See Also.