Weblogic Jar Install

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  1. Extract Weblogic Jar
  2. Weblogic Classpath

ORACLE-BASE - This article describes the installation of Oracle WebLogic Server (WLS) 12cR1 (12.1.2) on Oracle Linux 5 and 6.

Note: In order to run the installation program in graphical mode, the console attached to the machine on which you are installing the software must support a Java-based GUI. All consoles for Windows systems support Java-based GUIs, but not all consoles for UNIX systems do. If you attempt to start the installation program in graphical mode on a system that cannot support graphical display, the installation program automatically starts in console mode. This chapter contains the following sections:.

Starting the Installation Program in Graphical Mode on Windows To start the installation program in graphical mode on a Windows platform, follow these steps. Log in to the Windows system. Go to the directory that contains the installation program. Double-click the installation file. For example, the name of the installation program for the WebLogic Server Package installer for Windows 32-bit is wls1036win32.exe. The installation program begins to install the software.

See for a description of each installation program screen. Starting.bin Installation Programs in Graphical Mode on UNIX Machines To start the graphical-mode installation process with.bin installation files, follow these steps. Log in to the target UNIX system.

Go to the directory that contains the installation program. Launch the installation by entering the following commands: chmod a+x filename.bin./ filename.bin filename.bin is the name of your installation program. For example, for WebLogic Server 12.1.1, the name of the Package installer file for Solaris is wls1211solaris32.bin. Notes: If you are installing WebLogic Server on a 64-bit platform, see for more information. If you are installing WebLogic Server on a UNIX or Linux operating system, you must include the following parameter in the installation command if you plan to install the Server Examples. Otherwise, the installation may take longer than expected.Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/./urandom.

Extract Weblogic Jar

Log in to the target system. Add the directory of the appropriate JDK to the PATH variable definition on the target system. For example, on UNIX or Linux systems, add the bin directory to the beginning of the PATH variable: PATH=$JAVAHOME/bin:$PATH; export PATH.

Go to the directory where you downloaded the installation program. Launch the installation program by entering the following command (this example shows the Generic installer): java -jar wls1036generic.jar The installation program begins to install the software. See for a description of each installation program screen. Installing WebLogic Server on 64-Bit Platforms Using a 64-Bit JDK If you are installing WebLogic Server on a 64-bit platform using a.jar installation program:. Add the directory of the appropriate JDK to the PATH variable definition on the target system.

For example, on UNIX, add the bin directory of the appropriate 64-bit JDK to the beginning of the PATH variable definition on the target system: JAVAHOME= pathto64-bitJDK; export JAVAHOME PATH=$JAVAHOME/bin:$PATH; export PATH. (UNIX or Linux only) Include the -d64 flag in the installation command when using a 32/64-bit hybrid JDK (such as for the HP-PA, HPIA, and Solaris64 platforms).

For example, if installing in graphical mode using the Package installer: java -d64 -jar wls version generic.jar. Run the java -version command (or java -d64 -version command on UNIX or Linux platforms using a 32/64-bit hybrid JDK) to ensure that your JAVAHOME refers to a 64-bit JDK. If you are using the Sun 64-bit JDK, use the following command to install WebLogic Server: java -Xmx1024m -jar wls version generic.jar. Table 3-1 Running the Installation Program in Graphical Mode No. Screen When Does This Screen Appear?

Perform the Following Action 1 Always Click Next to proceed with the installation. You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Exit. 2 Always Specify the Middleware home directory that will serve as the central support directory for all Fusion Middleware products installed on the target system, including WebLogic Server. Click Next to continue. 3 Always Specify whether you want to register the product installation with My Oracle Support. By registering, Oracle Support notifies you immediately of any security updates that are specific to your installation. If you chose not to register, an Are You Sure?

Dialog box appears. Click Yes to continue. Click Next to continue. 4 This screen is displayed only during an initial installation. Select the installation type. Click Next to continue.

5 This screen is displayed only under the following conditions:. You selected Custom installation. You are adding components to an existing installation. This screen displays a tree view of all the components available for installation.

Weblogic Classpath

Specify the components to be installed by selecting or clearing the appropriate check boxes. Click Next to continue.

6 This screen is displayed only if you selected a Custom installation. It is not displayed if you are running an Upgrade installer. This screen displays a list of JDKs. This list contains JDKs that are available for (and common across) previous installations of all the selected WebLogic Server components. Select the JDK that you want to install with the product.

Click Next to continue. 7 This screen is displayed only during an initial installation. Specify the directories in which you want to install the products (WebLogic Server and Coherence). Click Next to continue. 8 This screen is displayed only if you are adding components to an existing installation, or you are running an Upgrade installer. Click Next to continue.

9 This screen is displayed only if all of the following conditions are true:. You have Administrator privileges. You are performing an initial installation.

You are installing on a Windows platform. You selected Custom installation in the Choose Install Type screen. Choose whether you want to install the Windows services indicated, specifically the WebLogic Server Node Manager service. Node Manager is used to monitor, start, and stop server instances in a WebLogic domain.

Click Next to continue. 10 This screen is displayed only under the following conditions:. You have Administrator privileges.

You are performing an initial installation. You are installing on a Windows platform. Specify the Start menu folder in which you want the Start menu shortcuts to be created. Click Next to continue. 11 In all situations except when running an Upgrade installer. Click Next to continue.

12 Always When the installation program has finished copying the specified files to your system, click Next to continue. 13 Always Click Done to exit the installation program and, if selected, launch QuickStart. Scripting on this page enhances content navigation, but does not change the content in any way.

To meet prerequisites for installing the WAR file for WebLogic: 1. Check that the Oracle/Sun Java JDK 1.6 or 1.7 is installed. Check that the JAVAHOME system environment variable points to the JDK. Install the PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, or DB2 database.

The target database can be on a remote server. If you are using one of the following commercial databases: Oracle, SQL Server, or DB2, you will need to download a JDBC driver before beginning the installation steps.

Download locations are the following:. (Oracle). (SQL Server). (DB2) The downloaded JDBC jar should be copied into the following location:. /buildomatic/confsource/db//jdbc For instance, for Oracle the driver would go here:. /buildomatic/confsource/db/oracle/jdbc See for more information. To install the WAR file for WebLogic: 1.

Extract all files in jasperreports-server- 5.6-bin.zip. Choose a top-level directory, such as C: Jaspersoft on Windows or /home/ on Linux, for the extracted files. Unpacking the ZIP file creates the directory jasperreports-server- 5.6-bin.

Check that WebLogic is installed in the default location on your local machine. If WebLogic is not installed in the default location, or if you encounter problems using the buildomatic scripts, set up the database manually, as described in. After setting up the database manually, skip through, and proceed to. (If you are using Oracle or MySQL, you can skip this step.) Copy your JDBC driver to WebLogic and set your classpath.

For example, for PostgreSQL: a. Copy the JDBC jar from /buildomatic/confsource/db/postgresql/jdbc to /server/lib b. Add the following line to your /bin/setDomainEnv.cmd/sh file as follows. AppServerType =skipAppServerCheck appServerDir = path to WebLogic application server dbUsername =sa dbPassword =sa dbHost =localhost If your application server runs on Java 1.5, change your deployed JDBC driver as described in.

Setup the database and optional sample databases using the buildomatic Ant scripts. Enter commands in the following table to call buildomatic Ant scripts: Exception: For DB2, skip this step and perform to in, then go to the next step of this procedure.

You call buildomatic Ant scripts from the command line using the following syntax: Windows — js-ant Linux —./js-ant Commands Description cd /buildomatic Goes to the buildomatic directory. Js-ant create-js-db Create the jasperserver repository database js-ant init-js-db-pro js-ant import-minimal-pro Initializes database, loads core application data js-ant create-sugarcrm-db js-ant create-foodmart-db (Optional) Creates sample databases js-ant load-sugarcrm-db js-ant load-foodmart-db (Optional) Loads sample data into the sample databases js-ant import-sample-data-pro (Optional) Loads the demos that use the sample data On non-Linux Unix platforms, the js-ant commands may not be compatible with all shells. If you have errors, use the bash shell explicitly.

For more information, see. Add the database driver to your classpath. In WebLogic, open an Administrative Console window, and navigate to Services Data Sources or Domain Configurations Services Data Sources. Click New and then Generic Data Source for each of the data source columns in the following table, and enter the following values for a PostgreSQL database. You will need to click Next after entering the database driver and after One-Phase Commit.

To use a database other than PostgreSQL, configure the database connections using settings shown in. If you plan on using the sample databases (Foodmart and Sugar CRM), perform this step and the following step for each database. Parameter Name JasperReports Server Foodmart Example Sugar CRM Example Name JasperServerDataBase FoodmartDataBase SugarcrmDataBase JNDI Name JasperServerDataBase FoodmartDataBase SugarcrmDataBase Database Type PostgreSQL Database Driver PostgreSQL Driver Versions: using org.postgresql.Driver Supports Global Transactions Selected One-Phase Commit Selected 12.

Set connection properties. Sample properties for a PostgreSQL database are: Parameter Name JasperReports Server Foodmart Example Sugar CRM Example Database Name jasperserver foodmart sugar crm Host Name localhost Port 5432 Database User Name postgres Password postgres Confirm Password postgres 13. Test the database connection: a. For SugarCRM and Foodmart, use the default connections: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/sugarcrm jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/foodmart b.

Change the URL for the jasperserver database to: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/jasperserver 14. Select targets, and ensure that AdminServer is set for all data sources. Using the Java jar tool or an unzip tool, unpack the jasperserver-pro.war file. For example, enter these commands to use the Java jar tool. Cd mkdir jasperserver -pro cd jasperserver -pro '%JAVAHOME%/bin/jar' xvf.

/jasperserver -pro. War The jasperserver-pro.war file is unpacked to a folder. If you are using WebLogic 10.3.5, you need to delete the following JARs to avoid conflict with WebLogic JARs. If you are using WebLogic 10.3.6 or WebLogic 12c, skip this step. To delete the JARs: a. Go to the WEB-INF/lib directory: cd jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/lib b. Delete the following conflicting JARs, but save a copy of them to a temporary location: jaxb-api.jar jaxb-impl.jar serializer.jar stax-api.jar xalan.jar xercesImpl.jar xml-apis.jar If you experience a problem with OLAP Views, you need these JARs for the workaround described in.

If you are using WebLogic 10.3.6, you need to replace xml-apis-1.3.04.jar with xml-apis-2.10.0.jar. If you are using WebLogic 10.3.5 or WebLogic 12c, skip this step. To update the JAR: a. Go to the WEB-INF/lib directory. Copy xml-apis-2.10.0.jar from /buildomatic/installresources/extra-jars c.

Remove xml-apis-1.3.04.jar. Update your Hibernate, Quartz, and Mail Server configuration: a. The hibernate.properties and js.quartz.properties files have been already configured for your database type by the buildomatic logic. So, these pre-configured files can be copied to the jasperserver-pro file: Copy from: /buildomatic/buildconf/default/webapp/WEB-INF/hibernate.properties /buildomatic/buildconf/default/webapp/WEB-INF/js.quartz.properties To: jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF b. Edit the scheduler URI port value for WebLogic in the js.quartz.properties: Edit js.quartz.properties: Set: report.scheduler.web.deployment.uri= To: report.scheduler.web.deployment.uri= c.

If you want to configure JasperReports Server to automatically schedule and email reports, enter your mail server information in the js.quartz.properties file. Modify all report.scheduler.mail.sender. properties as necessary for your mail server.

If your mail server requires authentication, edit the applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml file in the same manner: a. Open the jasperserver-pro/WEB-INF/applicationContext-report-scheduling.xml file for editing and locate the reportSchedulerMailSender bean.


Set the javaMailProperties key=' mail.smtp.auth' value to true. Now you can change to the jasperserver-pro folder and rearchive the jasperserver-pro.war file, using commands such as the following: Commands Description cd./.

Changes to the jasperserver-pro folder mv./jasperserver-pro.war./BAK-jasperserver-pro.war Renames the original jasperserver-pro.war file. '%JAVAHOME%/bin/jar' cvf./jasperserver-pro.war. Rearchives the jasperserver-pro.war file. Mv jasperserver-pro BAK-jasperserver-pro Renames the unneeded working folder to a backup location. You now have a jasperserver-pro.war file that can be used for deploying to WebLogic. Edit your WebLogic domain configuration file /config/config.xml: is the path of the domain within WebLogic that contains your JasperReports Server deployment. For example /samples/domains/wlserver.

Locate the server and security-configuration elements, and insert the following parameters.