Bios And Flash For Dreamcast Rom

I have modified the DC bios IC, to added a FLASH ic (MX29LV160 /SOP44) apon the bios ROM IC,two month ago. Base on the Russian DC-web: It works well,use the DREAMSHELL 4.0, I could play SDISO games and flash the bios file easy,it could test just after flash.
I have try all ver. Bios (jap, usa,eur, devdc).
Download Bios And Flash For Dreamcast Emulators. Download NullDC 1.0.4 Final with bios Play your Dreamcast games on. Game Manuals, Video Game Music, ROM Sets. Download Bios And Flash For Dreamcast Rom. ROM downloads for free, all the classics! 2015/02/02 MAME ROMs updated to.158! Dreamcast BIOS.7z Download. Dreamcast BIOS not working? Dc_boot.bin, dc_flash.bin. When I look in the file manager, in the Dreamcast rom folder.
DC could all work well. So i start to hack the original bios file. When i translate jap text to chinese, the bios could work well in any DC EMU(nulldc,Chankast,demul ). The Chinese text show beautiful.
I am so exciting about that. Then i copy the Chinesebios to a SD card loader ( )and Flash into DC. DC freezed in the swirl logo. So i recognized, the bios booting up must have a self-check. If it failed,be freeze. I found,the check could passed when i only make slight modify to bios, failed.
As i dont know SH4 ASM, so i couldnot modify Assembly instructions to skip the self-check. ANYBODY,do you help me to skip it? Or somebody you know,be expert in SH4 ASM? IF skip it, we could do anything to original bios. And could show in a real dc.
It is wellknow, Naomi have 32M Ram. It is larger then DC,so it could run faster.After bios translate,I have consider to modify bios ram map,make dc could recognize more RAM (replace the origin 16M ram IC to be needed). But I am be stuck by the self-check,now.
Please help me Good Luck everday DC Fans mych from China. I found the dc bios some block have been compressed.
When i touch the TEXT AREA with SH4 CODES,my dc be freezen in swire. Who have some software to Release OR Extract the compressed part?
Maybe you couldnt understand my meaning,To see my picture below: when i modify the JAP words that nulldc debug show: unknown opcode 0x?, my dc work well. (debug1,2) but i touch the JAP words that nulldc debug show some sh4 code, my dc freezen on swire(debug3,4) who have some ideal to decompress it? Or some ideal to solve the problem,please tell me,thanks! Dear loliveira,thanks for your effor. I run nulldc,and in the debug windows to watch SH4 CODE. I found that some 'message text' show disasm code as: unknown opcode 0x?? But some in disasm code be sh4 program code.
Dreamcast Bios For Android
When i modify the 'unknown opcode' parts,dc could run well. Then i modify 'program code' parts,dc direct show the swire loge and freeze. So i guess,the part of bios have be compressed. Do you have some software tool to watch bios Structure, or Release or Extract is more helpful for me. BTW: I have send a email to drkIIRaziel,the father of NULLDC. Wish he could take some advise for BIOS HACK.
I have modified the DC bios IC, to added a FLASH ic (MX29LV160 /SOP44) apon the bios ROM IC,two month ago. Base on the Russian DC-web: It works well,use the DREAMSHELL 4.0, I could play SDISO games and flash the bios file easy,it could test just after flash. I have try all ver. Bios (jap, usa,eur, devdc). DC could all work well.
So i start to hack the original bios file. When i translate jap text to chinese, the bios could work well in any DC EMU(nulldc,Chankast,demul ).
The Chinese text show beautiful. I am so exciting about that. Then i copy the Chinesebios to a SD card loader ( )and Flash into DC.
DC freezed in the swirl logo. So i recognized, the bios booting up must have a self-check. If it failed,be freeze. I found,the check could passed when i only make slight modify to bios, failed.
As i dont know SH4 ASM, so i couldnot modify Assembly instructions to skip the self-check. ANYBODY,do you help me to skip it? Or somebody you know,be expert in SH4 ASM? IF skip it, we could do anything to original bios.
And could show in a real dc. It is wellknow, Naomi have 32M Ram.
It is larger then DC,so it could run faster.After bios translate,I have consider to modify bios ram map,make dc could recognize more RAM (replace the origin 16M ram IC to be needed). But I am be stuck by the self-check,now.
Please help me Good Luck everday DC Fans mych from China. I found the dc bios some block have been compressed. When i touch the TEXT AREA with SH4 CODES,my dc be freezen in swire. Who have some software to Release OR Extract the compressed part?
Maybe you couldnt understand my meaning,To see my picture below: when i modify the JAP words that nulldc debug show: unknown opcode 0x?, my dc work well. (debug1,2) but i touch the JAP words that nulldc debug show some sh4 code, my dc freezen on swire(debug3,4) who have some ideal to decompress it? Or some ideal to solve the problem,please tell me,thanks!
Dear loliveira,thanks for your effor. I run nulldc,and in the debug windows to watch SH4 CODE. I found that some 'message text' show disasm code as: unknown opcode 0x?? But some in disasm code be sh4 program code. When i modify the 'unknown opcode' parts,dc could run well. Then i modify 'program code' parts,dc direct show the swire loge and freeze. So i guess,the part of bios have be compressed.
Do you have some software tool to watch bios Structure, or Release or Extract is more helpful for me. BTW: I have send a email to drkIIRaziel,the father of NULLDC. Wish he could take some advise for BIOS HACK.