Torent Hairline Crack In Tooth Root
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Do you have a cracked tooth or cracked teeth? Vertical root fractures are cracks that begin in the root of the tooth and extend toward the chewing surface. An upper or lower tooth. A crack may appear as a hairline fracture. Crack, root canal treatment may be necessary to. Cracked tooth? A cracked tooth means a crack extends from the chewing surface of your tooth vertically toward the root. The tooth is not yet separated into pieces, though the crack may gradually spread. Early diagnosis is important in order to save the tooth. If the crack has extended into the pulp, the tooth can be treated with a root canal procedure and a crown to protect the crack from spreading.
Do not post blurry pictures and expect us to be able to give advice. Dental offices are usually able to provide you with a digital copy of your xrays at no cost, if applicable.
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Please be respectful, comments that are deemed to be personal attacks will be removed. Microsoft ctf. We will be banning trolls, this includes people who promote and push quackery.
If you want to engage in a debate, that's fine, but there will be no tolerance for things that fall outside of the standard of care, no matter how passionate you are. Related subreddit:, See what the average cost of dentistry is in your area (USA). The dentists here can probably say more, but I think what your dentist is talking about is that as the nerve dies in the tooth, it can darken the inside of the tooth. This kinda shines though the translucent enamel. So, it might be better to treat the tooth before it darkens.
Also, the materials that the empty, post-root canal tooth is filled with to stabilize it are not as translucent as the original pulp, which can also make the tooth not look as bright and natural. Here in the USA, it is very common to have a crown placed on a root canal tooth for both strength and aesthetics. Depending on the choice of crown material, these can give a very good aesthetics effect very close to a natural tooth. Is your dentist also proposing a crown? Maybe best to go back for a consult and tell him you are very concerned about how this tooth will look and ask about recommendations from there. Reddit dentists, please correct me if I am wrong on this, still learning a lot about restorations.
Hi i recently had someone throw somthing at me, witch was an accident but when it hit me, it damaged my front left tooth, i thought nothing was wrong because my teeth still feel solid but my left front tooth still feels a bit odd, but not wobbly, or lose, and i have no pain too. Its a hairline crack going right. Hi i recently had someone throw somthing at me, witch was an accident but when it hit me, it damaged my front left tooth, i thought nothing was wrong because my teeth still feel solid but my left front tooth still feels a bit odd, but not wobbly, or lose, and i have no pain too. Its a hairline crack going right along the centre of my left tooth, do you think its gonna break or do you think its fine? Im planning on going to the dentist but what can they do for me? Im worried ill lose my front tooth:S.
Best Answer: Hairline cracks in front teeth are not that uncommon. If they are no deeper than the enamel then nothing needs to be done unless it is a cosmetic concern. If it runs into the second layer of tooth then a filling or bonding may need to be done.
If the crack is into the nerve area of the tooth then much more extensive work (root canal or crown) may be needed, but since there is no pain I doubt that the crackis that deep. I would have it evaluated and Xrayed ASAP to determine the depth of the crack. Tell us some more.
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Crack In Root Canal Tooth
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