Zenworks Patch Management Vs Wsus
ZENworks Patch Management (ZPM). Lack of support for the #1 use case of patching is exactly why we stopped using ZPM and switched straight to WSUS. In terms of updating and applying patches via ZENworks Patch Management, there is no difference between the Windows 10 Enterprise and Windows 10 Pro. SolarWinds Patch Manager. SolarWinds Patch Manager» SolarWinds Patch Manager High Points» SolarWinds Patch Survey» SCCM Vs. Novell ZENworks Patch Management Best.
) is a relatively easy product to architect and deploy, the main challenges are around best practices for using the product day to day. Questions that need to be answered include: What is the best way to schedule my patch operations?
What is the best way to handle patches that require reboots? What business processes should be in place to ensure effective patching?
Mandatory Baselines Well, let’s start with Mandatory Baselines. This functionality allows you to define a patch level, or list of vulnerabilities, that must be met by the targeted devices. ZPM automatically ensures that devices are patched to the desired level. I tend to avoid using Mandatory Baselines for production desktops as there is no easy way of scheduling when patching occurs.
For example, if you install a product that back-revs a DLL and enables a previously patched vulnerability, on the next check-in the device could be patched again. One approach is to use the “hours of operation” setting to prevent patching from occurring during normal working hours, this approach does minimise the impact on users but does have some drawbacks. Firstly, desktops and laptops are often not available outside of normal working hours, a lot of customers I visit encourage users to shutdown at the end of the day due to reduce energy consumption. More importantly, if I prevent patching during normal working hours, how do I deploy a patch in the event of a destructive virus?
Mandatory Baselines are useful in scenarios where you want to manage a standard build. Let’s assume for a moment that you are using a standard desktop image that is deployed to multiple machines.
Adding your source machine for the build to a mandatory baseline will allow the device to be patched automatically before you seal the image for distribution. In this scenario, availability of the device and the requirement for rebooting is not an issue. Do you use mandatory baselines? What approach do you take?
Testing and documentation As with any software delivery mechanism, testing and release management is critical to minimising the impact on your business. A summary for a typical approach to managing patch delivery is as follows:. Identify new vulnerability.
Analyse risk and exposure to the enterprise. Create deployment plan. Test deployment.
Phase deployment to the enterprise Each of these stages are normally documented to provide an audit trail. Often I see customers deploying to test machines, then to the IT department and then phasing the deployment to the rest of the enterprise. What’s your approach to testing and deploying patches? “I tend to avoid using Mandatory Baselines for production desktops as there is no easy way of scheduling when patching occurs.” I’m sorry, but this bogglesome lack of support for the #1 use case of patching is exactly why we stopped using ZPM and switched straight to WSUS. And since we went to WSUS, we haven’t had any problems.
Seriously, we tried to make ZPM do the simplest of our requirements, but it was a farce. Pushing out the monthly Microsoft service packs for Windows/Office/IE to all our desktop clients is exactly what we need, and exactly what ZPM refuses to do.
I really, really tried to understand why ZPM’s approach was “you only use Mandatory Baselines to update major service packs which you will generally be updating on your regular image build and pushing out by Zen Imaging anyway, thus making ZPM irrelevant for all the urgent stuff, you must do it manually”. But I couldn’t get my head around that kind of logic.
Creating all those manual deployment jobs for every iteration of monthly MS updates turned into a full-time job,.plus., it didn’t provide any security whenever an unpatched desktop turned up on our campus. Which happens all the time, since we only update our images on a quarterly-to-yearly cycle, but our helpdesk’s first response to software trouble is to restore any broken desktop to the current image, which of course will be several month’s worth of patches behind. “Often I see customers deploying to test machines, then to the IT department and then phasing the deployment to the rest of the enterprise. What’s your approach to testing and deploying patches?” Yep, that’s exactly what we do, which is why ZPM’s lack of support for this use case boggles me. Day after Patch Tuesday, we have the latest monthly crop of MS fixes auto-installing on a tiny group of IT staff machines (one room full). A couple of days later, we push them to all our IT machines. A week later, they go to our beta test group (a couple of classroom suites and representative staff machines).
A week later, it goes to a single building, finally to the entire campus. With WSUS, this is pretty easy: each week I just go through and check the logs for failed installs, and if all is well I go through each outstanding patch and tick the boxes to install to the next group of machines. An AutoIt3 script (Zen force run at daily startup) on each machine detects what group it’s in based on room, building, machine time, and sets the WSUS group appropriately. And WSUS is.perfectly.
capable, unlike ZPM, of scheduling patches to apply daily, at the hour of your choice, so we make it 6am. And it Just Works.
Please, fix ZPM so it makes Mandatory Baselines as pain-free to use as WSUS!. Top Contributors. Who's Online. Online now!. Online now!
Jared Jennings wrote: MeDave, 7. Does ZEN handle workstation updates better than WSUS or at least the same? ZDM (ZENworks Desktop Management) does not handle patches at all. Personally, I believe that WSUS is better. Although it does not handle third-party patches. Only MS patches.
For the most part, I think you can handle third-party patches with ZDM. You can certainly build an application objects to deploy Microsoft Updates using the various switches as necessary, but I prefer using WSUS given the automatic synchronization, detection and various reporting features. WSUS also alerts you as to when a workstation fails to update. Robert Gonzales, scandir Sure thing On Linux Inventory Servers. Copies the Workstation Inventory related files through the novell-zenworks-invserver and novell-zenworks-invrmcommon RPMs. Creates an inventory user in the inventory and zenworks groups. Creates a a scan directory (/opt/novell/zenworks/inv/ScanDir) with the subdirectories, assigns read and execute permissions for all the directories in the path of ScanDir and creates a samba share with Create rights to this directory for all users.
Creates a dictionary directory (/opt/novell/zenworks/inv/server/DictDir), copies the files of general directory and private dictionary, and grants Read and Write rights to this for all users. Creates an Inventory Service object (Inventory Serviceservername) in eDirectory for each server on which Inventory server is installed.
This object is populated with the following attributes: zeninvRole (role of the server), zeninvScanFilePath (path to the scandir directory), zeninvHostServer (DN of the server on which Inventory server is installed) and zeninvDictionarypath (Path to the dictionary directory). Creates the NCP shares for the ScanDir and DictDir volumes of OES. Creates the Inventory server as a daemon in /etc/init.d/novell-zdm-inv, and adds it to be started when the server boots.'
+ '- Jared Jennings Data Technique, Inc. Novell Support Forums Sysop http://wiki.novell.com. Originally Posted by craigwilson On 1/28/2010 5:16 AM, chris im foruml wrote: Hello, in our enviroment it seems that the Novell ZENworks File Upload doesn 't work with FF 3.5.7. The plugin is installed but the extension doesn 't work.
Chris 3.0.15 is the latest supported version. FF changed how their plugins registered when 3.5 comes out.
It is expected that the plugins should work again when the next patch for ZCM is released. Thanks Craig, now its clear why it works on my PC, I have FF 3.0.5 installed. Is there a scheduling when we could expect a fix? Because I 'm the ionly one with this old FF in our company. Thanks for you effort. Ray Utter Jared Jennings jaredljenningsNO@SPAMmyrealbox.com wrote in message news:XvLzg.1901$P35.291@prv-forum2.provo.novell.com.
Ray Utter, I don 't understand why I need a patch to install a feature that has always existed in ZENworks? Now it was not always a working feature unless you also understood Linux! Sorry but is looks like a junk patch that is not ready for the main stream. I 'm NOT a linux engineer so it of no use for me. The patch is for those that want to recompile the whole imaging kernel. So, yes you do need to know some linux.
To use the patch it would go more like this. Also, in this casepatch is not a patch, but more like the source code. You would take a linux machine, copy the above mentioned package to the linux machine and extract it. You then would add or compile any software or drivers into this extracted source code. Then rezip it up and replace your current imaging kernel. OpenSuse comes with kernel version something, this will not be the same kernel version as what is being used in the zenworks imaging system. So, you would not be able to compile new features into the imaging system.
Thus you need the provided kernel source. Does that help? Also, I have reported this to Novell and they will try to add additional info to the TID.' + '- Jared Jennings Data Technique, Inc.
Novell Support Forums Sysop http://wiki.novell.com. Is there any documentation on running Zenworks 3 and Zenworks 4 in together? I am having a hard time locating any. See: ZfD 3.x and ZfD 4.x Coexistence - Anders Gustafsson, Engineer, CNE6, ASE NSC Volunteer Sysop Pedago, The Aaland Islands (N60 E20) Novell does not monitor these forums officially. Enhancement requests for all Novell products may be made at Using VA 5.51 build 315 on Windows 2000 build 2195. Wow.cool stuff.
See - IF NETWORKADDRESS = (NETWORKADDRESS 0A033F00 AND NETWORKADDRESS 0A033FFE) THEN Set%NALSource%= Server1 ZEN Set%NALFailSafe%= Server2 ZEN ENDIF IF NETWORKADDRESS = (NETWORKADDRESS 0B033F00 AND NETWORKADDRESS 0BA033FFE) THEN Set%NALSource%= Server3 APPS Set%NALFailSafe%= Server4 APPS ENDIF Then in your NAL app use the variable%NALSOURCE%. One App will point to the local server even if you have multiple sites. If you change a server, you just need to update one item not all of your apps.
You also would likely want to be permenantly set this variable on the PC if you are gonna do lights out stuff so it is available pre-logon. If also have an application that tests the availability of the main location and if it is down, it sets%NALSOURCE% to the value in NALFailSafe so that the new source is picked up. Mind you this is a bit more complicated than some of the native fault tolerance and may not be as on the fly recover if a server goes down mid-day w/o a reboot (or clicking on an icon to run the test.) However, as an over-worked admin w/o ZEN for Servers to automate some of this stuff, it really cut down on the number of apps I needed and the amount of work I needed to do. In essence, the Variable just replaces Mapped Drives of the past since mapped drives and XP give a few more headaches and are not available pre-logon. DaVE@dave.com wrote in message news:lFumh.22580$jS4.18543@prv-forum2.provo.novell.com.
Can you explain more about this?? Note: I 'm a big fan of using Environment Variables in my app objects to point to the source location of my files. This way when I need to move stuff from one server to another or an location on my server, All I need to do is push out an updated variable to point to the necessary location. This also helps me have one App Object point to different source locations depending on where I am physically located. Hence, if you need to update all of your app objects to point to the new location, this could be a time to start testing with this.
HI all trying to get an addon image working with our deployment, constantly getting zenworks agent cannot be found. What does the imaging look for so that I can build it into a zmg and layer it onto of the base image? HI all trying to get an addon image working with our deployment, constantly getting zenworks agent cannot be found.
What does the imaging look for so that I can build it into a zmg and layer it onto of the base image? On Tue, 09 Dec 2008 07:12:00 GMT, willie andrews wrote: The server was a DL360 G5 and it was another broadcom driver nic problem. Ah, so I guess this is fixed now -' + '- If you have already compiled drivers or have linux.2 please put them on Live BootCd and USB Disk from Mike Charles eZie Marcus Breiden If you are asked to email me information please remove the - in my e-mail address.
The content of this mail is my private and personal opinion. Hi, I was checking my SLES 11 / ZCM11.0 Servers and was looking to the ownerships user:group of the most known zcm directories. /var/opt/novell/zenworks /opt/novell/zenworks /etc/opt/novell/zenworks What i see is that not all the directories or files within the directories above are owner zenworks.zenworks. Here is an example: WZCM1:/var/opt/novell/zenworks # ls -la total 20204 drwxr-xr-x 24 zenworks zenworks 4096 May 10 07:13. Drwxrwxr-x 4 root root 4096 Apr 29 2010. Done that, Looks good. No owner problems.
Some inconsistent /download/msi files, but that 's because of updates (ftf 's) / or CAM1 Originally Posted by craigwilson Perhaps run a ZDC Report? This should check all permissions w/o doing anything. On 5/13/2011 3:06 AM, floort wrote: To be sure everything has the correct owner/rights: Is it save to run /opt/novell/zenworks/bin/permissions.sh on a production server? Can i run it on all the primaries? -' + '- Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA Novell Knowledge Partner Novell does not officially monitor these forums. Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own. These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational human.
Nkp100 nkp100@no-mx.forums.novell.com wrote in news:nkp100.3hs8co@no- mx.forums.novell.com: even if all of zenworks agent services are stopped the video surveillance software (Axis Camera) communication fails. And start working first after uninstalling of zenworks agent.
It certainly sounds like you have found a problem in something: This is the chat group. We don 't do support here, in fact it is not allowed for Novell products. Please post in: -' + '- Ciao, Dave. Hi, take a look at this: in combination with certain settings in the BIOS related to power management please try disabling ACPI in the bios, or at least try the different settings we had an issue with one other customer, where the same thing occured at random and it turned out to be interups from power management doing weird things with the network card irq. Well worth a try Regards, Sebastiaan Veld On Fri, 15 Dec 2006 20:29:29 GMT, Nfalli Nfalli.2ivjac@no-mx.ndsengineer.com wrote: i know this is a stupid question. Does the Fan and Thermal cause Imaging issue.
I type lsmod adn I didnt see both on screen. I did as you have mention and type lsmod I saw fan and thermal =0. Im working on the image now. I also notice in bios setup the fan is disble when ac power is plug in. I went an enable the fan setup.
I dont see any thermal setup in the bios. I will inform you if the image locks up again. Ok, thank you very much! Best regards, Tobi Tilgner Originally Posted by Craig Wilson I Think that ZCM 10 Supports Dual Monitors, but I 'm not 100% sure. Best to ask in the ZCM forum.
I don 't believe ZCM supports Dynamic Groups, but there is a chance it does. I would ask in the ZCM forum.' + '- Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA Novell Support Forums Volunteer Sysop Novell does not officially monitor these forums. Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own.
These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational human. Tilgner tilgner@no-mx.forums.novell.com wrote in message news:tilgner.3b6pvz@no-mx.forums.novell.com. Thank you for the awnser! Does the next zenworks version support dynamic groups directly? Perhaps you know wich version of zenworks supports remoteadmin (connect to desktop) to workstations with 2 monitors? Best regards, Tobi Tilgner Craig Wilson;1580733 Wrote: No. You could configured IDM to use a Loop Back Driver to configure a standard group based upon a similar set of rules that are used to create a Dynamic Group.
The IDM Bundle Edition that ships with ZDM7 can do this. However, setting this up is not simple and beyond my ability to assist. The folks in the IDM forum may be able to assist.' + '- Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA Novell Support Forums Volunteer Sysop Novell does not officially monitor these forums. Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own. These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational human.
Tilgner tilgner@no-mx.forums.novell.com wrote in message news:tilgner.3b644r@no-mx.forums.novell.com. Hi, does ZENworks for Desktops 7 support Dynamic Groups? ZENworks 4 doesn 't support Dynamic Groups.
N, It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options: - Visit and search the knowledgebase and/or check all the other self support options and support programs available. You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the correct newsgroup. (Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses: If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot. Your Novell Product Support Forums Team http://support.novell.com/forums/.
Yes, You still need Middle-Tier. The workstation will still need to contact Middle-Tier to logon. However, There is no need for the user to authenticate to middle-tier. There are configuration options so that the MS Dialog box appears and that failed user logons are ignored.'
+ '- Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA Novell Support Forums Volunteer Sysop Novell does not officially monitor these forums. Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own. These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational human. NH nhudon@bellnet.ca wrote in message news:07Qii.2811$8i6.266@prv-forum2.provo.novell.com. Hi, If I use ZENworks 7 only for workstations imaging and applications distribution associate to computers (nothing will be associate to users), do I need Middle Tier for some kind of authentication? No users policies and no applications distribution associated to users. Hello, not shure this is the right forum to discuss it but please snd me to the correct forum in that case.
We are using an SLP-license for NOWS and that has been composed with Zenworks 7 Suite, Groupwise 7, OES2. In the january release Zenworks 7 has been replaced with Zenworks 10 standard ed. And Zenworks for linux 7.2. Zenworks 7, in my opinion, had support for handhelds etc wich isn 't covered in the standard edition. I 'm just wondering about why Zenworks 10 Std. Was choosen as the successor.
It feels more as a successor for the Zenworks 7 desktop management ed. WHP, It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options: - Do a search of our knowledgebase at - Check all of the other support tools and options available at - You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the correct newsgroup. (Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses: If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot. Your Novell Product Support Forums Team http://support.novell.com/forums/. Hi, maybe someone can help?
Server =Win2003 r2 server had installed zen10.0.1 previously however uninstalled after failed 10.0.2 upgrade. Had much trouble reinstalling 10.0.1 and had to edit the reg a bit as sybase kept failing to install with an msi error. I have a Zenworks for Desktop 7 server installed on a OES V1 Linux Server. Even though I 've successfully install the ZENWorks 7 license during the MMS installation procedure, when I do right click on the Site object I get the message that this is evaluation version of ZENWorks?! Then it suggests me to install the license but after providing it with the license code it gets the following message: Please extend the schema for this tree before trying to license ZENWorks no matter I 've successfully extended the schema before starting to install the ZENWorks 7 MMS.
So, hot to get rid of the evaluation license message? ZCM on the SLES10x64 Configuration Available System Updates I see: Update for ZCM (10.3.1) Jul 28, 2010 My steps: 0) check this Update 1) Action 2) Download Updates.
3) When status was 76%. Power OFF.;( 4) wait 4h. PowerOF Server Up 5) And i see: Status = 76%. And this 76% i see and yestaday and at this morning. 6) check this update again 7) Action 8) Cancel Download 9) Status = Canceling 10) WAIT 4h!!!
11) Status again = Canceling;( 12) check this update again 13) Action 14) Delete update 15) I see RED Error Attantion: Error: Unable to delete Update for ZCM (10.3.1). This update is in the process of being canceled. Please wait until the update cancels and then delete the update. Any body can help me? Forgot - just in case link doesn 't work some day.
System-update-cancel-download (sucd) (system update or PRU name) Cancels the download of the system update or PRU. (system update or PRU name) - System update or PRU name or UID. System-update-delete-update (sudu) (system update or PRU name) option Deletes a specified system update or PRU from the zone. (system update or PRU name) - System update or PRU name or UID. Accepts the following option: -f, -' + '-force - Forces the update to be deleted. Use with caution, and only if you are sure that the update is not in an active state.
I have also had some problems with the ie grouppolicies, I have found that in some cases you need to delete these folders, C: Documents and Settings userid Local Settings Application Data Microsoft Internet Explorer Custom Settings Custom0 and C: Documents and Settings userid Application Data Microsoft Internet Explorer Custom Settings Custom0, once that is done the policies seem to start working again. I am not sure which one causes the problem, but it shouldn 't be to hard to narrow down. But that is just my two cents.
Jasonh Thorsten Grund t.grund@stratec-biomedical.de wrote in message news:4C3B3932.8964.0019.1@stratec-biomedical.de. Hey folks, we manage here our Grouppolicies through Zenworks GP delivery.
The IE8 Proxysettings too. But some Users get the new policy and some not!?! WOW how confuse. How can i push the new policy to ALL users???
Regards Thorsten. ZENworks Application Objects will work just fine. You may need to tweak the system requirements since that changed. Also test if RunOnce apps distribute again, since there was a change at one point how the registry was stamped. (See - NALSTAMP at cool solutions.
Not sure if this would be required.) Another poster recently claimed to have an issue with policies and needed those recreated. Andrej Zlender wrote: I have a question installing Zenworks 7. The current situation is that we have NetWare 5.1 SP7 with Zenworks starter pack and two NetWare 6.5 server in cluster. I would like to install Zenworks 7 on cluster system. Will this have effect on Zenworks applications which are made in Zenworks starter pack.
What is your opinion. Can be applications in Zenworks starter pack managed with Zenworks 7 or should I use NWadmin on NetWare 5.1 server. Regards, Andrej -' + '- Craig Wilson Novell Product Support Forum Sysop Master CNE, MCSE 2003, CCN. Wacky.races@gmail.com, What would be the best way to target all users with the 6.5.2 agent? I can 't target the users using a workstation associated app, as the workstation helper is not working on a number of the workstations. The users currently have version installed.
Would I require a specific version of the Novell Client? How about associating the app to users and adding a couple of distribution rules. One for the ZFD version key hklm software ovell zenworks,version The other being for the Novell client version. I would also create two apps, you could chain the apps together if you prefer. The first would install the NOvell client, while the second would install the ZFD agent. The Novell client would be chained to the ZFD APP.
So that it would be installed first followed by the agent. The novell client install should be set not to require a reboot and the zfd agent install would do the final reboot.' + '- Jared Jennings Data Technique, Inc. Novell Support Forums Sysop http://wiki.novell.com. EDirectory is required. I 've heard rumos that in a land far far away a future Version of ZENworks may support this, but definately not the ZENworks 6.5 version which is due out next. (Note: This is more of a minor upgrade and a Synch with the NW version than one would think when going from version 4.01 to version 6.5) jmerette@hotmail.com wrote: Hi, I 'm a newbe and I have a simple question.
I would like to install Zenworks on a W2K environment. Do I need eDirectory? Is-it correct if I use Zenworks with Microsoft Active Directory only? Thanks Jacques -' + '- Craig Wilson CNE3, 4, 5 - MCSE - CCNA NSC Sysop (Tech Writer - (I Peter 4:10). I have been searching for some time but cannot seem to find a solution to get ZENworks 7 to recognize SATA drives. I see many solutions for earlier versions of ZENworks but none seem to work for me.
ZENworks 7 is using kernel version 2.6.5. I have tried to patch in drivers and build my own kernel but my make command keeps crashing out.
Maybe somebody out there already has a bootcd image or PXE files or a solution that may work. I 'm curious on what models you are talking about too. We are currently using GX280 's, GX620 's, Latitude D620 's, Latitude D610 's that have SATA drives in them, and we don 't seem to have any issues with it. We are currently at Zen 7 SP1 on Netware 6.5 SP5. Worked great. Thanks for the help. Chris Byrd cgbyrd(remove all of this)@trispan.com wrote in message news:mp88k.1938$g35.1565@kovat.provo.novell.com.
I 'll try it and let you know. Craig Wilson craigdwilson@yahoo.com wrote in message news:NMR7k.1590$g35.82@kovat.provo.novell.com. The ZEN 7 Companion CDs should work just fine. While I 've never tested it, I would be really surprised if it did not work.' + '- Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA Novell Support Forums Volunteer Sysop Novell does not officially monitor these forums. Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own. These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational human.
Chris Byrd cgbyrd(remove all of this)@trispan.com wrote in message news:v6Q7k.1540$g35.756@kovat.provo.novell.com. I have sybase and I read I need to install the ODBC drivers from my companion 2 cd for zenworks 6.5. I don 't have it. Is there anywhere I can go to get the download for the zenworks 6.5 iso 's. Will the Zenworks 7 companion cd 's work? I am totally new in the Zenworks world and I need a few questions answered before proceeding with purchasing. Working for local government and the restricted budget has me looking for the best and affordable way to implement Zenworks 7 Desktop Management.
My question is, can Zenworks 7 Desktop Management reside on the LAN server, or does it have to have its own server? I am currently running Netware 6.5 sp6 and 110 workstations are Windows XP Pro. If Zenworks 7 DM can run of the LAN server, are there any specific requirements needed for the server that would be different or in addition to a LAN server? Are there any know issues with having Zenworks 7 DM run on the LAN server?
Any information that I can get will be greatly appreciated. Lucinda Roebuck wrote: I am totally new in the Zenworks world and I need a few questions answered before proceeding with purchasing. Working for local government and the restricted budget has me looking for the best and affordable way to implement Zenworks 7 Desktop Management. My question is, can Zenworks 7 Desktop Management reside on the LAN server, or does it have to have its own server? I am currently running Netware 6.5 sp6 and 110 workstations are Windows XP Pro. If Zenworks 7 DM can run of the LAN server, are there any specific requirements needed for the server that would be different or in addition to a LAN server? Are there any know issues with having Zenworks 7 DM run on the LAN server?
Any information that I can get will be greatly appreciated. I have 2 servers in 2 remote locations each running Netware 6.6, Zenworks 7 SP1ir1 and Groupwise 7 all on the same box.
The only thing you have to worry about is that Zenworks Middle Tier will break Novell 's Netstorage. If you are not using Netstorage (web based interface to get files from the server) then you are ok.
Patch Management Asphalt
Likewise if you do use it, but do not use Middle Tier services in Zen, you are ok. You can use IDM 2.01 Bundle Ed with ZEnworks 7.
So this means you can upgrade your IDM Drivers from DirXML 1.1a to IDM2.0.1 using the bundle edition license. This assumes that you are not using any other drivers apart from the AD / eDir drivers since if you were you would need to be licensed for the full IDM201 product before you upgrade. On at 8:35:31 am, in message nqUf.4341$vF3.2127@prv-forum2.provo.novell.com, vito.morolla@swfwmd.state.fl.us wrote: Identity Manager 2.02 Bundle Edition, to enable you to install ZENworks 7 Desktop Management in an all-Windows environment, synchronizing data between Novell eDirectory and Microsoft Active Directory.' + '- Shaun Pond What if I 'm upgrading from ZFD4.01 w DirXML1.1a to Zen 7.0. Do I use IDM or keep DIRXML1.1a.
Also will be upgrading the Windows 2000 server to W2k3 servers. Jake, I am looking at pushing out windows updates to computers in the dead of night using wake on lan. What is the best method of doing this we have Netware 6.5 sp5, ZENworks desktop management 7, novell client 4.91 sp3, all of our users workstations are windows xp.
This is all new to me please give me tons of input. TED will not do this for you. It 's made to only handle server OS 's. You do want ZPM for this, it will manage all the patches, schedules and such.
As for WOL, you will need to use Desktop Management also. This way you can have a WOL schedule at say 10pm, and then have the patches scheduled to install at 11pm.
Here is a like for the WOL documentation. Also, check Cool Solutions for several WOL tips.' + '- Jared Jennings - Data Technique, Inc. Novell Support Forums Sysop My Blog and Wiki with Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials http://jaredjennings.org. On Fri, 07 Nov 2008 07:56:02 GMT, nkp100 wrote: I talked to Nicklas Ekstedt and he was woundering if you had talk to Shaun regarding about this problem with zenworks agent. Say hello to Nicklas. No i didn 't as he was on vacation.
But on the otherside without the software which has the problem it is hard to figure out what the problem is and also if the problem is the agent or the software itself.' + '- Marcus Breiden If you are asked to email me information please remove the - in my e-mail address. The content of this mail is my private and personal opinion. ZENworks Configuration Managment 10 is the replacement product. ZCM 10 has most of the features of ZDM7 but is a complete redesign/rebuild from the ground up. Hence some features will not be there due to the redesign, but new features will be. SP3 For ZCM 10 will most likely be released in the next month.
If you want to start looking at ZCM now, I would suggest start there at Beta.Novell.Com or waiting until 10.3 Ships. Since this is a major update, no point starting to look at the 10.2 version when 10.3 is just a few weeks away. (Late March/Early April Most likely) The key with ZCM is that ZCM is a new product with similar features and you need to use ZCM in the ZCM way not the ZDM way.
If you do, you will be missing all the new features and wondering why the features you are using worked better the old way. I would really recommend getting it setup in a lab and playing around with it to get used to the differences. It will likely take some getting used to, but overall there are more features and greater flexibility than even ZDM7 had. On 3/10/2010 3:16 PM, ddhottinger wrote: We are currently using zenworks 7 and have great sucess with desktop management, using the application launcher, workstation inventory, etc. As part of the process of migrating to windows 7 and OES2 I need to start looking at a replacement for zenworks. What replaces zenworks 7 inventory, workstation managagement, etc. That we have come to rely on over the years?
On ruth.zwack@fmins.com (Ruth Zwack) wrote: We cannot get our inventory database to connect after it was upgraded to SQL2005. I was told by a Novell support technician that in order to use SQL2005 we had to upgrade our Zenworks Desktop from V7 to V7 SP1 R2. Is this not true? You can set the 2005 server to be in a different mode, which I believe non-2005 compatible products can use. Of course, I think you lose some functionality of 2005.
I also cannot remember what the setting is, but if that sounds useful I 'm sure Google will assist! Hi I am trying to upgrade one of my zenwork server from 6.5sp1 to 7. We have two zenworks servers, one running zenworks 4.01 and the other running zenworks 6.5sp1. When we performed an upgrade for one of our zenwork server to 6.5sp1 a months ago. We have realized that the schema is extended and the NDS is updated to zenworks 6.5.
Luckily the clients that uses the zenworks 4.01 server which has zenwork management agent (3.2) loaded on the clients still are able to access the resources via NALexplorer. So if I upgrade the zenwork 6.5sp1 to 7 this weeks. Will the other zenworks server (4.01) affected? And will the clients with zenworks managenet agent 3.2 still can communicated with the zenworks 4.01 server? As the schema and nds object will extended to 7 and how/will is the zenworks 4.01 server be able to talk to zenworks 7 Objects?
Hi What about the client that have zenworks agent 3.2 which communicate to zenworks 4.01 server, Will this be affected? (I mean, when I upgrade the other server from 6.5sp1 to 7?
ZFD7 is based upon ZFD6.5 SP1 code so ZFD7 should not have any effect that ZFD6.5 had.' + '- Craig Wilson Novell Product Support Forum Sysop Master CNE, MCSE 2003, CCNA Editor - (Seeking Full-Time Expert? Drop me a note: ) cang@clayfield.qld.edu.au wrote in message news:2SLRe.131$Ej2.57@prv-forum2.provo.novell.com. Hi I am trying to upgrade one of my zenwork server from 6.5sp1 to 7. We have two zenworks servers, one running zenworks 4.01 and the other running zenworks 6.5sp1.
When we performed an upgrade for one of our zenwork server to 6.5sp1 a months ago. We have realized that the schema is extended and the NDS is updated to zenworks 6.5. Luckily the clients that uses the zenworks 4.01 server which has zenwork management agent (3.2) loaded on the clients still are able to access the resources via NALexplorer. So if I upgrade the zenwork 6.5sp1 to 7 this weeks. Will the other zenworks server (4.01) affected?
And will the clients with zenworks managenet agent 3.2 still can communicated with the zenworks 4.01 server? As the schema and nds object will extended to 7 and how/will is the zenworks 4.01 server be able to talk to zenworks 7 Objects? I 'm having upgrade troubles. We 're running Novell 6.0 sp5 (for political reasons we have not moved to Netware 6.5) with Zenworks 6.5 sp2. When attempting to upgrade to Zenworks 7 sp1 we keep getting a message that says upgrade did not complete successfully. The server itself returns an error saying Inventory Service Error Code 603: Unable to read the Inventory Service Object in Novell edirectory.
We have attempted the upgrade with Zenworks running first. Then we 've stopped all Zenworks services and tried again. Still no dice.
Patch Management Lubbock
Has anyone seen this before? -' + '- michaelw. Hi, I don 't know if this is the right place to post my concern. If it so, please remove it. Our Netware 6 server with ZENworks 4 have done every day a great job, but now we buy a new server hardware, Netware OS 6.5 and ZENworks 7.
First thought was to migrate from Netware 6 to Netware 6.5 using the migration utilities from Novell. This days I speaking with the Novell customer care, but nobody know what will be happen after the migration to Netware 6.5 is finished.
They told me that it is possible, that ZENworks 4 will not work. Next thought was to integrate the new Netware 6.5 server in the existing NDS Tree and install ZENworks 7 on the new server. At this moment ZENworks 4 and ZENworks 7 will be together in the NDS. I 'm reading the online documentation of ZENworks 7, but this is very rare in this case.
Now some questions: What will happen in the NDS if there are ZENworks objects from both ZENworks versions? Should we really deinstall our ZENworks 4 with all settings for users/groups/images before we prepare the NDS for Netware 6.5? Many settings must be restored after installation of ZENworks 7. Is there any solution to upgrade Netware and ZENworks together in one step? Thanks for your efforts Matthias -' + '- matthias. Matthias wrote: Should we really deinstall our ZENworks 4 with all settings for users/groups/images before we prepare the NDS for Netware 6.5? Many settings must be restored after installation of ZENworks 7.
You can install the NW65 server to tree with a new name, install Zen7 to that. Then start using the Zen services from the new server and unload them from the old server. Update ConsoleOne plugins and revise your policies. See, If you want to retire the old server, you need migrate the application data to the new server and change the paths to the applications. If this makes a lot of work (if you have many applications) you could use Migration Wizard to do the hardware change and keep the old server name. Note: If you don 't get an answer, just ping me here. I 'm less knowledgeable about the ZSM Portion of ZEN7 so I do not want to answer which may dissuade someone else from chiming in.
But if you don 't get an answer, I will try and locate an answer for you. Jlhartzo jlhartzo@no-mx.forums.novell.com wrote in message news:jlhartzo.3vdlhb@no-mx.forums.novell.com. Thank you very much.' + '- jlhartzo -' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '- jlhartzo 's Profile: View this thread: http://forums.novell.com/showthread.php?t=380129. Hi, I am trying to upgrade ZFD 7 to ZFD 7 SP1 (IR1 and HP2A to follow if all OK) But I am having some real problems. First up, on oine workstation the install hung at ZfDPXE file copy.
I got around that by using a different workstation but now I end up getting errors as below: ZENworks Desktop Management installation failed on the following servers: IVCNZEN.SERVERS.GLOBAL-RES.SBSGROUP See below for details. IVCNZEN Pre-install steps completed successfully RMInv 3rdParty SybaseNW Components NOT successfully installed on IVCNZEN at F: ZENworks Database DBEngine RMInv Server Inv common Components NOT successfully installed on IVCNZEN at F: ZENworks Inv server RMInv Server RemMgmt common Components NOT successfully installed on IVCNZEN at: ZENworks RemMgmt server PXE on Disk Components NOT successfully installed on IVCNZEN at E: PXE on Disk Error: There was an error installing ZENworks Desktop Management on IVCNZEN. Error: An error occured during file copy or configuration.
See above for more details and be sure that no ZENworks Desktop Management files are open or locked. We had a shared storage issue and lost our ZenWorks server. Unfortunately, someone decided to remove the server from eDirectory, so we could not do a restore. The ZenWorks objects still remain in our tree. We have since recreated a different server of the same name, and put it into the tree. Will we be able to reinstall Zenworks 7 on the new server and have it point to the already existing Zenworks objects (policies, packages, db objects)? Your help is much appreciated!
Take care Matt Heldstab Office of the Chancellor Minnesota State Colleges and Universities. Good Timing, It just went public.' + '- Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA Novell Support Forums Volunteer Sysop Novell does not officially monitor these forums. Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own. These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational human.
Craig Wilson craigdwilson@yahoo.com wrote in message news:bEIMj.3367$Dh4.2703@kovat.provo.novell.com. This is a known defect with C1 Snapins with the latest eDir on SLES10 SP1.
I 'm not sure if the patch is public yet.' + '- Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA Novell Support Forums Volunteer Sysop Novell does not officially monitor these forums. Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own. These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational human. Anders Gustafsson AndersG@no-mx.forums.novell.com wrote in message news:VA.0008338@no-mx.forums.novell.com. Crobison, We have a Zenworks Desktop Management 7.0 con a SLES10 sp1 and the version of Edirectory (8.8) and all the Zenworks Objects are out of order, we upgraded to this version because we were getting a dsrepair error. What is the correct version of Edirectory to get the objects back in order?
Define out of order, as seen where? Also: What was the error you saw? - Anders Gustafsson (Sysop) The Aaland Islands (N60 E20) Discover the new Novell forums at Novell does not monitor these forums officially. Enhancement requests for all Novell products may be made at http://support.novell.com/enhancement. Hi all, I want to ask what is the best scenario to replicate multiple zenworks Desktop Mgmt Servers with each others?
Knowing that: Operating System: OES Linux - SP2, ZENworks 7 Desktop Mgmt is installed on server1, server2 is edirectory replicated with server1 with the same operating system (OES-SP2) When I try to install Zenworks Desktop mgmt on the 2nd server, it gives me errors during installation, and when it successfully installed, I can not login using edirectory existing users after changing Middle Tier Address in The Zenworks Agent to server2. Mohammad Zohny wrote: When I try to install Zenworks Desktop mgmt on the 2nd server, it gives me errors during installation, and when it successfully installed, I can not login using edirectory existing users after changing Middle Tier Address in The Zenworks Agent to server2.
So what are the errors? What do you want to replicate? Application files?
User home directories? -' + '- Marcus Breiden If you are asked to email me information please change -' + '- to - in my e-mail address. The content of this mail is my private and personal opinion. I 've been having this issue for a long time as well, many of the techs at our district decided to only use the DLU for staff and not use DLU for students.
This means when a student logs on, the second window will come up with the please click ok in the username box. This will make it where the students will use one profile. My solution is to modify the default user profile in the c: documents and Settings folder. To do this simply make a Windows xp or 2k install and use windows update to patch it, (do not install the novell client yet or any other programs yet). Once your done patching, create a second administrator (I named mine default) account and log on as that account. Make any tweaks you need, like screen savers, toolbars, folder options, internet explorer options and so on (again do not install programs).
Once your happy with how the desktop looks, reboot and logon on as the administrator then right click on My computer and go to properties. In XP there 's an advance tab and the user Profile settings button is available, click on it. Select the profile and copy it to the c: documents and Settings default user profile. Wait your not done, close all windows then browse to the profile, and this is where you can really clean up the garbage. You can delete everything in the the folder but the NTUSER.DAT file, and the application data folder.
You can also move icons from the default user profile into the all users profile, just to make sure they will be availble. Now you can actually copy this new default user profile and copy it to any existing images you made, thus making a Dell Optiplex GX1 log a heavily restrict user in around a minute or less 2 with AV installed. Please note this will not all flash or shockwave to work but there is a trick. Going back to where you log on the user you were making the setting on, you can launch the internet explorer and goto adobe.com and install the flash and shockwave players. Then we you reboot to copy the profile to the default user, simply do the same as above where your deleting everything but the application data folder and ntuser.dat file. This I found to log a restricted user on a GX150 in around a minute. I have GX620 's and this is practically instantaneous.
I hope this is helpful!! If you like I can email a copy of the default user profiles I made they are to large to post.'
+ '- picasso1048. We're comparing results from WSUS (Critical and Security patches) vs our Windows Patch Analysis with all filters. We sorted both results by KB (Q) number and most of them (22) are the same.
However, WSUS is saying we need to deploy 7 patches that exist in our catalog, but our Windows Patch Analysis says we don't. Conversely, our analysis says 5 patches need to be installed but WSUS says they don't. How can I investigate how Shavlik determines which patches are necessary?
Here are the list of WSUS patches: KB2567053 KB2586448 KB2592799 KB2618444 KB2639417 KB2660465 KB973825 Here is our Windows Patch Analysis list: Q2647518 Q890830 Q931125 Q953155 Q982316. April, It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply.
Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options: - Visit and search the knowledgebase and/or check all the other self support options and support programs available. You could also try posting your message again.
Make sure it is posted in the correct newsgroup. (Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses: If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot. Your Novell Product Support Forums Team http://support.novell.com/forums/. Rinzwind, It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your posting.
That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply. Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options: - Visit and search the knowledgebase and/or check all the other self support options and support programs available. You could also try posting your message again.
Make sure it is posted in the correct newsgroup. (Be sure to read the forum FAQ about what to expect in the way of responses: If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot. Your Novell Product Support Forums Team http://support.novell.com/forums/. I am totally new in the Zenworks world and I need a few questions answered before proceeding with purchasing. Working for local government and the restricted budget has me looking for the best and affordable way to implement Zenworks 7 Desktop Management.
My question is, can Zenworks 7 Desktop Management reside on the LAN server, or does it have to have its own server? Im currently running Netware 6.5 sp6 and 110 workstations are Windows XP Pro.
If Zenworks 7 DM can run of the LAN server, are there any specific requirements needed for the server that would be different or in addition to a LAN server? Are there any know issues with having Zenworks 7 DM run on the LAN server? Any information that I can get will be greatly appreciated.
Lucinda, It appears that in the past few days you have not received a response to your posting. That concerns us, and has triggered this automated reply. Has your problem been resolved? If not, you might try one of the following options: - Visit to search the knowledgebase and check the other support options available on that page under Self Support and Support Programs.
You could also try posting your message again. Make sure it is posted in the correct newsgroup. (If this is a reply to a duplicate posting, please ignore and accept our apologies and rest assured we will issue a stern reprimand to our posting bot. Your Novell Product Support Forums Team http://support.novell.com/forums/. There is not really an Uninstall The simplest thing to do is to comment out the Processes that are launched in the Startup.NCF PepijnvandenBerkhof PepijnvandenBerkhof@no-mx.forums.novell.com wrote in message news:PepijnvandenBerkhof.36znxf@no-mx.forums.novell.com. Hi all, Can you tell me how to remove Zenworks for Desktops from my Netware 6.5 server?
Thanks in advance! -' + '- PepijnvandenBerkhof -' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '-' + '- PepijnvandenBerkhof 's Profile: View this thread: http://forums.novell.com/showthread.php?t=321837. Normand Hudon, Is it possible? If yes, how 's ZenWorks on an Active Directory network?
It is very possible and I have done it. ZENworks does not directly connect to AD yet. Thus a AD EDIR IDM driver is provided with ZENworks for customers to use.
So, you configure IDM to sync users from AD to eDir (one way), that way ZENworks is able to grab associated apps and polices based on user identity 's. I does work really well.' + '- Jared Jennings - Data Technique, Inc.
Novell Support Forums Sysop My Blog and Wiki with Tips, Tricks, and Tutorials http://jaredjennings.org. Becbrad438, 6.5 sp5 on it with Zenworks 6.5 Desktop management. My plan is to upgrade the old server to netware 6.5 sp7 then migrate to the new server and then install Zenworks 7. My question is, is this plan ok? Will the upgrade to sp7 affect the Zenworks 6.5 on the old server? It should not.
Will the installation of Zenworks 7 overwrite any settings we had in place with 6.5? - Anders Gustafsson (Sysop) The Aaland Islands (N60 E20) Discover the Novell forums at Novell does not monitor these forums officially. Enhancement requests for all Novell products may be made at http://support.novell.com/enhancement.